Graphic Design at ECAL is a proposed course in the context of Human and Social Sciences curriculum of EPFL students. The projects were supervised by Professor Gael Faure and his assistant Denis Roueche.
The opportunity to attend these classes opened my mind to digital graphic techniques and the job of graphic designers. I learned some approaches and the problems to which designers are confronted when facing the realization of a new project.
Starting with the assigned theme "fishing and hunting" we had to decline an object related to it, creating a collection of objects from the same family. The final goal was to create a poster using these objects and representing the initial theme.
This work was realized in collaboration with Louise Badarani.

In this second project, we had to look at a TV show and pick up all the words pronounced in a certain lexical field. Afterwards, only two words had to be chosen from the formed list. From one of these, we then had to derive and object representing the word and we had to decline the word in different graphical ways. Then, mixing with a second group of students that looked at another TV show, the goal was to create a poster by mixing all the created elements.
This work was realized in collaboration with Louise Badarani and Alexandre Cavaleri.